The International Business Chamber of Cambodia (IBC) would like to announce the 2025 Public Holidays in Cambodia as for your reference in accordance with the Sub-Decree No. 204/24 OrNKr/BK on
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Ministry of Economy and Finance has announced the abolition of Prakas No. 360 MEF.PrKPD, dated on 22 August 2024 on the Introduction of the Implementation of the Sub-decree on Tax
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The Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) has announced Sub-decree, dated on 16 August 2024 on the ‘International Buddhist Day’. The Royal Government of Cambodia has designated April 8 officially as
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The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS) has released a statement, dated on 15 August 2024 on Distortion of Facts Related to CLV-DTA. The Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC)
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The Royal Government (“RGC”) announced, dated on 05 August 2024 on Circular on Holiday for Civil Servants, Staff, Workers/Employees and Students on the Occasion of the Groundbreaking of Funan Techo
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The Royal Government of Cambodia "RGC" announced, dated on 16 July 2024 on the establishment of a Special Tax Audit Unit under the General Department of Taxation of the Ministry
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The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) announced the guideline, dated on 19 June 2024 on the implementation of the sub-decree on tax incentives introduced to encourage Informal Economy. This
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The Ministry of Economic and Finance (MEF) announced, dated on 10 May 2024 on Cambodia's new income tax incentive for the Qualified Investment Expansion Project (QIP). This Prakas aims to
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The Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training (MoLVT) announced the commencement, dated on 18 April 2024 on ‘One Enterprise as One Peaceful Community’ for textiles, garments, footwear and travel products
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