Benefits of Joining the IBC

By becoming a member of International Business Chamber of Cambodia
(IBC), you will enjoy the following benefits:

  • Networking opportunities and business updates from the IBC Members and other business associations through the IBC monthly regular general meetings & luncheons (RGM).
  • Invitations to workshops and conferences.
  • Engaging in initiatives that encourages and support foreign investment and business in Cambodia.
    Building networks and opportunities to get foreign partners investing in Cambodia through the IBC’s biggest International Investment Conference (held every two years).
  • Creating a forum for international and local businesses and business associations having an interest in Cambodia to work together in a spirit of friendship and cooperation for mutual benefit.
  • Build network, learn about other businesses or industries through the IBC business field trips.
  • Fostering constructive relations with the Royal Government of Cambodia to promote policies, laws and regulations conducive to the development of the business environment.
  • Raise your business issues which are relevant to the whole business community at the private sector meeting level or private sector with the sectorial ministry level or have them forwarded to Cambodia’s highest leader at the Government-Private Sector Forum.
  • Address sectorial issues through participation in the relevant Chamber Sub-committees.
  • Take a leadership role in by standing for election to the Executive Committee.
  • Have your company profile, logo and contact details posted on the IBC website.
  • Ability to present your company profile at a Regular General Meetings.
  • Access to the IBC online library to get legal, past minutes of the IBC Regular General Meetings, and minutes of Private Sector Working Group D (Legal Tax & Governance) meetings and other important documents.
  • Promoting corporate social responsibility and good governance to enhance the international reputation of Cambodia’s business community.
  • Entertain and build network for your kids’ future through IBC annual family days.
  • Entertain your staff through the IBC annual ball party.
  • Entertain, build network, and exercising through the IBC annual golf tournament.