Supply Chain Working Group
To find out more email us -
Chairperson - Parth Borkotoky
Managing Director of Azaylla (Cambodia) Co., Ltd.

Who We Are and What We Do:

The IBC Supply Chain Working Group, composed of diverse experts in agriculture, logistics, insurance, and more, fosters collaboration and progress within Cambodia’s supply chain ecosystem. The IBC Supply Chain Working Group is a vital force driving positive change within Cambodia’s supply chain. By building on its 2023 achievements and pursuing ambitious goals in 2024, the group will further enhance efficiency, sustainability, and competitiveness for Cambodian businesses.

2024 Goals:

  • Expand Membership: Attract more businesses across the supply chain to join the working group.
  • Promote Sustainability: Continue organizing events related to renewable energy and digitizing the supply chain.
  • Advocate for Improvements: Advocate for policies on trade & finance, logistics, and exports.


  • AIA (Cambodia) Life Insurance Plc.
  • Azaylla (Cambodia) Co., Ltd.
  • Auskhmer
  • 56B-Link Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd
  • Cambodia Partnership for Sustainable Agriculture (CPSA)
  • Cambodia Logistic Association
  • ChokChey Finance Plc.
  • Dara Hotels
  • LN Agri Group
  • Mitsubishi Corporation
  • Rieckermann (Cambodia) Co., Ltd


Please find the Supply Chain Working Group newsletter in 2023:

  1. First edition
  2. Second edition 
  3. Third edition
  4. Fourth edition

Please find the Supply Chain Working Group newsletter in 2024:

  1. First edition
  2. Second edition


To join the IBC Supply Chain Working Group or to find out more email us:


Photo of the IBC Supply Chain Networking Event and Seminar: