Health Working Group
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Chairperson - Martin Bilodeau - Business Development Manager, Khema Global
Vice Chairperson - Pauline Tan - CEO, Sing Specialist Medical Centre

Healthcare stakeholders know how much has been done over the last years to improve the life in Cambodia, as well as how much remains to be done. An impressive number of passionate people are determined to improve access and quality, and these initiatives could have an exponential impact if led within a more coordinated Healthcare sector.

For that reason, IBC established its Healthcare Committee in June 2018 – called the Health Working Group. The committee organizes monthly meetings to discuss healthcare-related issues, and quarterly events to drive our various initiatives.  Our Key Focal Areas are medical affordability and medical education, which we address via awareness campaigns, networking events, think tank organization, advocacy, and partnerships with fellow Healthcare stakeholders.

Hospitals, clinics, medical practitioners,  NGOs, insurance companies, distributors, manufacturers and digital health entrepreneurs are amongst members of the Healthcare Working Group. The Committee forms an environment where members can prioritize collaboration, sharing, networking, and aspire to improve the quality of Cambodian Healthcare.


  • Improve coordination among industry members through communication (networking, sharing information) and collaboration (organizing joint seminars and events related to medical and healthcare CSR activities)

  • Develop cooperation with National Ministries to discuss common issues and create a patient-oriented regulatory environment

  • Improve the quality of health-services provided in Cambodia in aspects such as Standard, Governance, and Education.

  • Attract more Health investment and Health tourism to Cambodia

  • Support existing initiatives, i.e. blood donation to National Blood Transfusion Center

  • Share key information to help patients better manage their health


  • AVO International Co., LTD
  • Bun & Associates
  • IS4KH Asset Management Plc.
  • Khema International Polyclinic
  • Mitsubishi Corporation Phnom Penh Representative Office
  • Prudential (Cambodia) Life Assurance PLC.
  • SafetyNet Insurances Services (Cambodia) Co., Ltd.
  • Sing Specialist Medical Centre Co., Ltd.
  • Sunrise Japan Hospital
  • Unilever (Cambodia) Limited
  • Zuellig Pharma
  • HOPE worldwide Medical Centers


  • Information-sharing during outbreaks, through conferences and webinars: recommended emergency steps against dengue during 2019 crisis, or COVID in 2020,

  • Development of skills around long-term health risks. i.e. management of pressure & uncertainty

  • Support existing initiatives, i.e. blood donation to National Blood Transfusion Center

  • Networking events

  • Mapping of services available in Cambodia

  • Quality Healthcare, bringing in international accreditation systems in Cambodia

  • Digital in Health



To join the IBC Health Working Group or to find out more email us –