IBC Breakfast Event – Governance & Sustainability: What Business Leaders Need To Know – Introducing The Forthcoming Cambodian Institute of Directors & Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG)

Governance & Sustainability:
What Business Leaders
Need To Know

Introducing The Forthcoming
Cambodian Institute of Directors
Environmental, Social & Governance (ESG)

Breakfast Event 14th September 2022 at Tribe Hotel


While the general roles and responsibilities of company boards are well founded, the expectations on boards have evolved significantly due to changes in corporate and regulatory landscape in Cambodia.

There is now increasing pressure for greater board accountability on a wider range of issues driven in part by increased legislation and also societal expectations.

As well as their commercial and legal duties, boards are responsible for providing professional leadership and championing good governance and ethical practices throughout their company.

What does this mean to companies and directors in Cambodia?

  1. What is the forthcoming Cambodian Institute of Directors?
  2. Should your company be invested in ESG?
  3. What attracts Investors?
The objective of IBC is to create a stronger private sector business environment in Cambodia by being a leading voice of the private sector and providing a platform for networking and representation with multiple stakeholders – government, business sector and multi-lateral agencies, in a self-sustained manner.
IBC has a number of internal Working Groups, focused on key sectors, such as, Education, Health, Road Safety and we are looking to establish the Director Institute Working Group (DIWG) to discuss this and other key issues in Cambodia.
Guest Speakers
Lewis Cohen – Associate Director, Director of Investment Strategy, Evelyn Partners
Sanjay Chakrabarty – CEO – Prudential (Cambodia) Life Assurance PLC
Trevor Sworn – Director at Enduring Consultancy
Please refer to the details below:

Date:         Wednesday 14th September 2022

Time:        8.00am – 9.30am
Please join us from 7.30am for Registration and networking

Venue:      Tribe Hotel              

Topic:      Governance & Sustainability: What Business Leaders Need To Know

Ticket Price: 

Member Price:             USD 25.00
Non-member Price:    USD 30.00
Walk In:                          USD 35.00

RSVP: events@ibccambodia.com
–  Number of attendees
–  Attendees name and title
–  Company name
–  Contact details (mobile number etc.)

Remark: Please RSVP before 12th September, 2022

Sponsorship opportunities are available, please email Choi Jong Hwang at admin@ibccambodia.com for further information.

As space is limited, confirmation by 12th September is required for those attending in person. Due to the limit on numbers, those who confirm without canceling before the 12th September will be charged, to avoid unnecessary wastage. A waitlist will be maintained, to try and accommodate everyone.

We look forward to seeing you there.
Best Regards,
IBC Executive Office

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