Constitution Regulations
As well as the following relevant sections of the Constitution currently in force:
Article 7.01(v). Membership is vested in the company or organization itself and not in any individual. The Member shall be represented at Chamber meetings by their Chief Executive or other senior officials (‘nominated representative’).
Article 7.02(a). Applicants wishing to become members must submit their application on the official form. All relevant sections of the form must be completed. In sections where the information requested is not applicable, applicants should state so in the space provided.
Article 7.02(c). The completed Application Form signed by the applicant, Proposer and Seconder, together with any other documents as stipulated in the Application Form must be submitted in hard copy, fax or scanned copy to the Chamber’s office. Only complete applications will be put forward for consideration.
Article 7.02(d). After being logged in by the secretariat the application shall be passed to the Membership Sub-committee for review. Article 7.02(e) “Upon recommendation of the Membership Sub-committee the Executive Committee will decide either to reject the application or circulate it amongst the Chamber’s Membership who is allowed 15 days to comment.”
Article 7.02(f). “After 15 days the Executive Committee will, after taking into account comments (if any) received from Members, vote on the Application with a simple majority deciding. The decision of the Executive Committee shall be final and no reason will be given for their verdict.”
Article 7.02(g). “Upon election the applicant shall be notified promptly and shall be provided with a copy of the Constitution and Bye-Laws. Admission of the applicant to Membership shall be notified to the other Members at the next Regular Meeting and through the Newsletter.”
Article 7.02(h). “In the event of rejection the applicant shall be notified promptly. An applicant who has been rejected may not re-apply for Membership within one year of the original rejection.”
Article 7.02(i). “The Executive Committee will endeavour to ensure that the final result of an application is issued within no longer than two months from the first Executive Committee meeting after the application is received.”
Please click to download the Application Form.
Annual fee: $600Associate
Annual fee: Either US$300 or US$50Overseas
Annual fee: US$300Honorary
Annual fee: Nil(a) For new Members joining after 30th June the Annual Subscription will be halved for the first year.
(b) The Annual Subscription will be raised to that for Ordinary Members when an Overseas Member establishes a presence in Cambodia.
(c) Additional Representatives attending Regular General Meeting (RGM) will be billed for the cost of the lunch at the rate of US$36.00 per person.