IBC Events

  • Regular General Meeting (RGM): Monthly meetings, held on the first Wednesday of the month, open to IBC members only. Distinguished guest speakers and experts are invited to present and provide updates on what is happening in the business community and any Government updates that might be of interest. The meeting is generally arranged in the form of panel discussions. A majority of participants are in top management or senior positions, which make the connection between each business even more efficient.
  • Open Meeting: Quarterly meetings, similar to the format of the regular general meetings, open to IBC members and non-members. IBC Members receive special discounted ticketing rates at these events.
  • Annual General Meeting: IBC’s yearly meetings which gathers its members, board of directors and other stakeholders to reflect on the previous year and participate in the new year’s board election. Eligible members are welcome to nominate themselves for leadership roles in IBC or vote for other nominees.
  • Breakfast Talk: The Morning Events, hosted every month, with attendance of specialists and experts to share their perspectives or updates on a particular topic. These events are open to IBC members and non-members. IBC Members receive special discounted ticketing rates at these events.
  • Networking Night: Networking opportunities that allow participants to connect with business people across the sector in an environment where socializing is the focus. This event is open to the IBC members and non-members. IBC Members receive special discounted ticketing rates at these events.
  • Ball Event: Once per year, the ball gathers a lot of high-profile people across business sectors to enjoy the night with brilliant food and drinks, live music, and live auctions that contribute to charitable causes to support Cambodia.
  • Annual Golf Tournament: This event is usually hosted by the end of the year. It welcomes all levels of players from diverse backgrounds. The game includes a networking session, dinner, and lucky draw to boost the harmony and joy of all participants after a competitive session. IBC Members receive special discounted ticketing rates at these events.


2024 IBC Events Calendar
2025 IBC Events Calendar