List Of Public Holidays In 2022

On 19th August 2021, the Royal Government of Cambodia released a sub-decree No. 145 on the public holidays in 2022.

January 01 : International New Year Day
January 07 : Victory over Genocide Day
March 08 : International Women Day
April 14, 15, 16 : Khmer New Year Day
May 01 : International Labor Day
May 14 : King’s Birthday, Norodom Sihamoni
May 15 : Visak Bochea Day
May 19 : Royal Plowing Ceremony
June 18 : King’s Mother Birthday, Norodom Monineath Sihanouk
September 24 : Constitutional Day
September 24, 25, 26 : Pchum Ben Day
October 15 : Commemoration Day of King’s Father, Norodom Sihanouk
October 29 : King’s Coronation Day, Norodom Sihamoni
November 07, 08, 09 : Water Festival Ceremony
November 09 : Independence Day


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