MoEYS – Notification on Suspension of 15-days gathering in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap

To prevent the spread of Covid-19 and spread to communities in Phnom Penh and Siem Reap, the Ministry of Education Youth and Sport has adopted the following measures:

  1. Suspend all gathering, workshop and meeting that have over 20 participants for 15 days from the date of this notice
  2. Suspend 12th grade students and test preparation conducted at education institutions or in a concentration setting. Grade 12 students shall continue to self-study and study through online. The high school diploma exam on December 21, 2020 is still kept
  3. Temporary suspension of public and private higher education institutions for 15 days
  4. Suspend all exercise and sports activities that are conducted in a concentration setting for 15 days

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