Phnom Penh Administration Has Officially Defined The Red, Orange And Yellow Zone

On 27th April 2021, the Phnom Penh Administration has officially defined the “Red, Orange and Yellow Zone”.

1. Yellow Zone is a free travel zone. And all business activities are permitted to operate as usual except schools including public and private vocational training schools, all kinds of entertainment clubs such as karaoke, bars, discos and beer gardens, resorts, massage businesses, all kinds of liquor shops and services, cinemas, art theatres, museums, fitness clubs, sports centers.

2. Orange zone require permit letter to travel and operate any business activities.

3. People in the Red Zone are not permitted to leave their homes except for medical reasons, COVID-19 test, and second COVID-19 Vaccine. All business activities are prohibited except firefighter service, electricity, health and medical service including Pharmacy (both Private and State), water supply and waste and solid transportation, food productions, and medicine and medical equipment production.


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