Institute of Directors Working Group (Cam-IoD)
To find out more email us -
Chairperson - Mr. Trevor Sworn
Director of Enduring Consultancy

Who We Are and What We Do:

The purpose of the IBC IoDWG is to establish the Cambodian Institute of Directors (Cam-IoD) and support good board and governance practices for IBC member companies and the private sector.

The Cam-IoD helps to improve business governance and directorship in Cambodia and has created a programme of webinars, workshops, courses, and accreditation for business directors.

The Cam-IoD initially is operating within the organizational structure of the IBC, but will, in the future, become an independent business organization. The IoDWG is helping guide that process.

The Cam-IoD launched in early 2024.

Corporate, individual, digital – only memberships are available, and sponsorships are also available.

Cambodian Institute of Directors (Cam-IoD)

The Cam-IoD is the primary point of reference for good governance and directorship in Cambodia:

  • Promoting excellence, enterprise, integrity and the highest levels of skills and competence for business directors in Cambodia, and equivalent office holders
  • Equipping members to increase their competence for leadership and governance through capacity building (courses, accreditation, conferences, coaching, networking, etc.)
  • Promoting international collaboration with similar organizations

The Cam-IoD advocate for professional practices relating to business governance and represents the interests of its members to the RGC, regulatory bodies and other agencies with respect to policy and legislative developments that affect members’ interests, governance matters and rights and obligations of directors.


To find out more email us:


Photo of Institute of Directors Working Group (Cam-IoD) seminar: