Background Information

The Government-Private Sector Forum (G-PSF) was established in 1997 an initiative of the Prime Minister of the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) to provide an efficient platform for consultation between the Government and the Private Sector on investment climate issues ranging from long term policy to day-to-day operations.  It provides a reliable platform for the business community to raise and resolve problems with the Government of Cambodia. The Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC) acts as the secretariat of the G-PSF.  CDC facilitates dialogue within and among the joint Government/Private Sector Working Groups, and broadly between the Government and the business community.

The G-PSF also improves the business environment, builds trust, and encourages private investment through a demand driven process with the Private Sector identifying issues and recommending solutions. By fostering capacity and a strong relationship between the Government and Private Sector, the G-PSF is considered a key pillar in improving the investment climate in Cambodia.


Working Groups

There are sixteen Working Groups created under the umbrella of the G-PSF.  Private Sector representatives meet before the main Working Groups to review and comment on proposed legislation and to identify issues for discussion in the formal Working Group meetings.

These Private Sector Working Groups are supported by the secretariats of respective business associations and the Cambodian Chamber of Commerce (CCC).  Among the sixteen Working Groups, is the Working Group- D on Law, Tax and Governance (WG-D), which IBC is the Secretariat. WG-D is a cross-cutting working group co-chaired by H.E. Dr. Aun Pornmoniroth, Minister of Economy and Finance, and Mr. Arnaud Darc, Co-chair of WG-D and IBC Vice-chairperson.  

The WG-D is considered “the court of last resort” as it takes on issues which might not fit into the other working groups.  As consequence, a myriad of topics has been referred to this working group, including matters related to telecommunication, transportation, mining, anti- corruption law, etc.

Diagram of Working Group D


The Mechanism of Meetings

It is divided in 3 levels of discussion:

1. Government Private Sector Forum (GPSF):

-          Highest level for meeting chaired by Prime Minister at the Peace Palace

-          It happens once or twice a year

-          The discussion between the Royal Government and the Private Sector 16 Working Groups aims to consolidate the Private Sector’s proposals and ensure follow- up.

2. Government-Private Sector Working Group D Meeting (G-PSWGD):

-      The meeting is Co-Chaired by H.E. Dr. Aun Pornmoniroth, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Economy and Finance (Government) and Mr. Arnaud Darc, Co-chair of WG-D and IBC Vice-chairperson (Private Sector).

-          It happens once or twice a year, depending on our request to Ministry of Economic and Finance (MEF)

-         The discussion is held between the Private Sector and Ministry representatives. Within this discussion, each person from the Private Sector whose subject was taken up at PSWG level will introduce their issue and a deliberation between the two parties will ensue.

3. Private Sector Working Group (PSWG):

-          This meeting is Chaired by Mr. Arnaud Darc, Co-chair of Working Group D – Law, Tax and Governance and Vice-chairperson of IBC.

-          It happens on the 2nd Thursday of every month at Cambodia Chamber of Commerce (CCC).

-      The discussion for private sector representatives to raise items they need help with. From here the Private Sector discuss and decide which issues can be resolved or should be taken to the next level- the G-PSWGD meeting. 

Instruction To Submit Your Issue:

1. Download the blank Matrix by clicking the button below. (There are Word versions in both languages English and Khmer)

2. Fill the Matrix in English and Khmer and send to the Word version to

3. What happens next?

The 16 Working Group of the Royal Government:

1. Working Group A on “Agriculture & Agro-industry”

-          Oknha. Mong Retha (Co-chair)

2. Working Group B on “Tourism”

-          Oknha. Luu Meng (Co-chair)

3. Working Group C on “Manufacturing, Small and Medium Enterprise and Service”

      -          Oknha. Te Taingpor (Co-chair)

4. Working Group D on “Law, Tax and Governance”

      -          Mr. Arnaud Darc (Co-chair)

5. Working Group E on “Banking and Finance Services”

     -          Neak Oknha. Kith Meng (Co-chair)

6. Working Group F on “Infrastructure and Transport”

     -          Oknha. Sou Ngoun (Co-chair)

7. Working Group G on “Export Processing and Trade Facilities”

      -          Oknha. Kouch Pheng (Co-chair)

8. Working Group H on “Industrial Relation”

      -          Oknha Dr. Nang Sothy (Co-chair)

9. Working Group I on “Rice Paddy, Rice”

      -          Oknha. Chan Sokheang (Co-chair)

10. Working Group J on “Mine and Energy”

       -          Oknha. Un Yuthy (Co-chair)

11. Working Group K on “Education”

       -          Oknha. Dr. Heng Vanda (Co-chair)

12. Working Group L on “Health”

       -          Oknha PhD. Tan Kim Meng (Co-chair)

13. Working Group M on “Construction and Real Estate”

       -          H.E. Dr. Tan Monivann (Co-chair)

14. Working Group N on “Non-Bank Financial Service Sector”

       -          Neak Oknha. Kith Meng (Co-chair)

15. Working Group O on “Economy, Social Digitalization and Telecommunications”

       -          Neak Oknha. Kith Meng (Co-chair)

16. Working Group P on “Territorial Administration, Security and Public Order”

       -          Neak Oknha. Kith Meng (Co-chair)


White Book 2021-2024

IBC WGD Secretariat formally announces the publication of the White Book 2021-2024. The White Book 2021-2024 is a collective expression of the views of the Private Sector Working Group D member companies on specific aspects of the business environment in Cambodia. This revised edition of the White Book traces the WGD's discussions and proposals from when Mr. Arnaud Darc took over as being Co-Chair on 1 July 2021 until 12 September 2024 (before the next GPSWG-D Meeting on 7 October 2024) to assist the Royal Government in improving the ease of doing business in Cambodia.


The English Version of the White Book 2021-2024 is here: