n Thursday, 29th July 2021, The Ministry of Health issued a press release to allow the private health facilities (hospitals, polyclinics, clinics and maternity clinics) to administer COVID-19 vaccines that are recognized by the World Health Organization.
The private health facilities are allowed to administer the COVID-19 vaccines that are recognized by the World Health Organization with the following conditions:
– Must have a place and staff to do the first screening outside the front building and ask for a rapid test for client with suspected COVID-19 symptoms
– Must have at least 1 physician with experience or specialization in emergency (ICU) for first aid when there is a risk after vaccination
– Must have ICU room that have enough facilities
– Must have cooling system to store the vaccine
– Must have a system to control prevent and manage the infection by follow the guidelines of Ministry of Health
– Must have the medical waste management system.
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