Notification On Postponement Of Payment of Back Pay Seniority Indemnity Before 2019 And New Seniority Indemnity In 2020

There is a notification No. 018 date on 02 June 2020 from the Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training on postponement of payment of back pay seniority indemnity before 2019 and new seniority indemnity in 2020.

The Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training informed to owners or directors of factories, enterprises and workers/employees using undetermined duration contract (UDC) that the payment of back pay seniority indemnity before 2019 (for the textile, garment and footwear sector) and new seniority indemnity in 2020 (for all sectors) shall be delayed untill 2021.

Please click on the link below for


Khmer version: /wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Postponement-of-Payment-of-Back-Pay-Seniority-Indemnity-Before-2019-and-New-Seniority-Indemnity-in-2020_KH.pdf

English version unofficial translation by GMAC: /wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Postponement-of-Payment-of-Back-Pay-Seniority-Indemnity-Before-2019-and-New-Seniority-Indemnity-in-2020_EN.pdf