Temporary Ban on the Import of Offal and Frozen Meat for 6 months

The Ministry of Commerce (MOC) and Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries (MAFF) has issued the joint notification, dated on 12 January 2024 on the temporary ban on the import of offal and frozen meat for 6 months; effective from 12 March 2024 to 12 September 2024. ,

This policy will be applied on all import-export companies, except the qualified investment projects that import goods for use as production inputs for export.

The items/meat includes:

– Frozen Ox and Buffalo’s Tongue, lung and other edible offal parts
– Frozen Pig’s lung and other edible offal parts
– Edible frozen Chicken’s meat and offal, except wing, thigh, mechanically deboned or separated meat
– Fresh, Frozen, Salted, Marinated, Dried or Roasted of Intestine, bladder, stomach, whole or parts of all animals, Except fish.